Executive Committee

President: Chris Francis
C. Francis & Co. Sporting Agents
P.O. Box 15
Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
Phone: (406) 587-1227
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Rod Paschke: President Elect
Sizzlin S Outfitters
Box 532
Jordan, MT 59337
Office: (406) 951-3011
Cell: (406) 951-3011
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Vice President: Scott Vollmer
Scott Vollmer Outfitting, LLC / Canyon Coolers
PO Box 468
Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
Cell: (406) 788-4277
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MOGA Board District Directors

Cody Carr: District 1
Cody Carr’s Hunting Adventures LLC
PO Box 671
Plains, MTÂ 59859
Office: (406) 826-7770 | Cell: (406) 360-8106
(Term Expires 12/31/26)

Justin Burdet: District 2
Ranger Peak Outfitting LLC
320 Eaglefeather Lane
Victor, MT 59875
Cell:Â (406) 381-0535
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Eric Christophersen: District 3
16 Mile Outfitting LLC
PO Box 427
Townsend, MT 59644
Cell: (406) 579-0726
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Rich Birdsell: District 4
Northern Rockies Outfitter
270 Bayou Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
Cell:Â (406) 261-7424
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Wes Sargent: District 5
Cayuse Hills Outfitters
1757 S Shawmut Rd.
Shawmut, MT 59078
Home: (406) 537-4490 | Cell: (406) 930-0918
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Chris Faber: District 6
Montana Outfitting Company
Box 765 Havre, MT 59501
Cell: 406-945-2050
Office: (406) 932-5687 | Cell: (406) 350-1880
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Troy Sams: District 7
Trophies West Outfitters
Office: 260-350-1470
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Kenny Low: Director at Large
MOGA Staff

Executive Director of MOGA: Will Israel
2021 11th Avenue, Ste. 12
Helena, MT 59601
Office: (406) 449-3578 | Cell: (406) 439-1205

Operations Manager and Membership Services: Kashia Herring
2021 11th Avenue, Ste. 12
Helena, MT 59601
Office: (406) 449-3578

Executive Director of MOGA E.I. / Big Hearts: Mac Minard
2021 11th Avenue, Ste. 12
Helena, MT 59601
Office: (406) 449-3578 | Cell: (406) 439-2059

Business Development and Event Coordinator:
Christa Holcombe
2021 11th Avenue, Ste. 12
Helena, MT 59601
Office: (406) 449-3578

MOGA Lobbyist: Taylor Luther Group, PLLC
Mark Taylor – Jessie Luther
Helena, MT

Clear Skies Strategic Communications
Lyndsey Medsker
Missoula MT